AOS Anterior platform - automated grading scale and
punctate counter software for Digital Slit Lamps
AOS Anterior is a new standalone software platform
for automated analysis of the anterior of the eye. Based upon industry
standard grading scales, AOS Anterior provides reliable, objective values to
aid the clinicians diagnosis, shortening patient chair time.
Key features
- Bulbar Redness (hyperaemia)
- Lid Redness
- Corneal Staining, including punctate counter
- In-built PDF reporting
- Use with any digital image format *
- Touch screen compatible
Each feature allows clinicians to evaluate a variety of conditions very
easily, and effortlessly record the results which can be used during
follow-ups. CE class 1 rule 12.
* AOS Anterior will process any anterior eye image taken with any digital
slit lamp and digital modules, including smart phone adapters.